Starbucks Internal Promotional Video

When you’ve just spent six months in the trenches doing research and design for a new product, how do you suddenly change gears and go into promotion mode? We had to quickly encapsulate all the work that went into the product and convey just how it would improve the working lives of thousands of people, all in just two minutes.




Starbucks wanted to generate excitement for its new app about to be released to all stores to make keeping track of tasks, sales, and service tickets easier for employees.


I wrote, designed, and produced this promotional video that was played at the Starbucks Leadership Conference. In the video embedded above, I have redacted the name of the product, which was in stealth mode at the time of the video release.


1 month


  • Starbucks now has a cohesive story to promote throughout the company about the value of its new app.
  • The video was viewed by over 12,000 store managers and other attendees at the Starbucks Leadership Conference.
  • We set a new standard of quality within Starbucks Partner Technology for video produced in-house.

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